Aaah! Another wonderful hands-on on history for my little one...they just finish reading "First Lady of Faith and Courage: Abigail Adams", and to bring it to life for them they dressed up like ladies and gentelmen. The gentelmen escorted the ladies to the "parlor" where they serve the ladies their snacks, dance the Minuette and had table games of yore. I wish I had those cool activities instead of memorizing irregular verbs like parrots (there are MANY irregular verbs in Spanish...)Anyway, it was really fun to see them go for it...and had a lot of fun.
It was time to change again the music selection, and unless you have seen the movie, you might be saying "what da...?" ... See, as some of you know, I go to the movies and before I even pay attention to the actual acting, the music needs to grab me. Here's one example of a great song by a unsuspected HENRY VIII...I think he does a pretty good job with these tunes...The name of the movie "August Rush", the dude "Johnathan Rhys Meyers" a trouble maker lad from Ireland. For all that you have no idea who he's a pic of him. By the way, greatly recomended movie. (Other movies he's in..Vanity Fair, Mission Impossible 3)
As I was watching the Super Bowl on Sunday, I kept asking my hubby for questions to certain moves, or rules, or stops, or lack thereoff...and I decided that I will never be able to understand such complicated game...and as I was contemplating such deep thoughts, I was glad that the World Cup is comming up, and I will be able to enjoy some of the most energetic sports EVER. Of course, this comes from a European whose life went around the many, many, many soccer games on TV, which brings me to this wonderful video explaining my feelings exactly...
P.S. No offense intended to those "handball" lovers, which includes about 3/4 of this beautiful country...