This year one of my goals is to be CLUTTER free, which believe me, it is harder than it sounds. It is amazing the nonsensical attachment we have to things, and the denial excuses for keeping things we haven't use in years and plan on not using them for a few more. Example, "If I keep this book that I bought but never read, it can become "firewood" in a case of an emergency...."or, this is a good one:"I need to keep these pants because I'm going to loose weight..." and it doesn't matter that it will take me 10 years and by then,of course, the pants will be out of fashion...even though if you wait 20 more it may become stylish again, haha!Go 80's!
Anyway, as I was on my conquering mode,I found this book that has been in my shelves for about 10 years give or take, even went to Spain on vacation with me, left it there, my mom send it back to me, again...(about 2 years later), and finally became a permanent fixture in some shelf. It was pack to move to a new house, make it again into my shelves and rediscovered about two weeks ago. It got discovered because of its title "The 10 Natural Laws of Successful Time and Life Management". Intriguing...
Who doesn't want to manage their time and life a little bit better, right?
Well, needless to say that the book was written by the creator of the Franklin Day Planner. By the way...who uses day planners anymore...don't we have little gadgets that do those tasks for us now days?
So, I looked at the date it was published...1995...and I thought to myself...Self, do you think this book will still hold valuable information? or should I put it with "Men are from Mars and Women from Venus" and all the "Chicken Soup for the Soul" series in a box to go to D.I.? So I started browsing a page here, another there, and something got my undivided attention. The book became a keeper.
If anybody who actually takes time to read this blog has read the book, I'm sure you know what I'm talking about.
Surprisingly, it's no news, we all have an idea on how to take charge of your life, set goals, etc. But that was not what caught my attention...the "TO DO" lists, the planning, we've all done that at some point or another. What caught my attention were two simple words...INNER PEACE.
Inner Peace, it has a nice ring to it, doesn't it? So I started questioning myself...Do I have that? Do I want that? and the most important question...if not, how do I get it?
So now, I'm on my way to establish my governing values, the keystone to that inner peace. Funny enough, the author shares one of my governing values (I just didn't called it that) and I quote: "I have order in my life at all times: I maintain a sense of order in all aspects of my life. My physical surroundings are always clean, organized, and structured so that they bring calm into my life." I just can't function in messes, they stress me out of my witts.
Now I'm working on my governing values, I'll see what I come up with, this chapter will be continued....But before I go, just another excerpt from the book, a poem, an empowering poem by Ella Wheeler Wilcox...
There is no chance, no destiny, no fate,
that can circumvent or hinder or control
the firm resolve of a determined soul.
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