It was time to change again the music selection, and unless you have seen the movie, you might be saying "what da...?" ... See, as some of you know, I go to the movies and before I even pay attention to the actual acting, the music needs to grab me. Here's one example of a great song by a unsuspected HENRY VIII...I think he does a pretty good job with these tunes...The name of the movie "August Rush", the dude "Johnathan Rhys Meyers" a trouble maker lad from Ireland.
For all that you have no idea who he's a pic of him. By the way, greatly recomended movie. (Other movies he's in..Vanity Fair, Mission Impossible 3)
i do not care about the song.. but he is HOT!
I am cracking up right now because I have found myself reading your blog with your accent in my head! It just seems wrong to read it with my own english! Thanks for pepping things up here!
I found your blog because of the "tudors". My husband and I are hooked on this show! We can't wait for the next season to begin!!
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