Anyway, I was looking at my blog thinking that, first, I need to change the header picture...(seriously!), and second, I haven't post anything interesting for a while, so, here are some of the updates in the Da Silva household.
First, we worked like slaves to get our retaining/fence wall up. That was fun, specially because I didn't have to do it, and because we live on top of kriptonite (rocks, rocks, and then some more rocks...). But now that it's done I LOVE IT!
Obviously it's a work in progress, since we still have to put the curving, plants, sod.....
Since it has been raining since school was out, we haven't done anything special. Just couple things here and there: went to the swimming pool with friends, go to a pool party, acquire a ripstick for Michelle, upgrade the bike for Shannia, run through the srinklers....
And we also brought the Arches National Park...home...
Funny, as I'm writing this there is a storm rolling in....
So this is it for now...more to come...Jonas Brothers Concert, Lake Powell, etc. Stay tunned!
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