Now and then you like or need to get away....so we went away...to St. George. I knew it was not going to be hot, maybe not even warm, but I was sure it was going to be relaxing....very, very, very, very relaxing.
So Friday afternoon we hopped in the car and drove south. I got scared that it was going to be freezing since we encountered many snow falls on the way...that would've been ironic...running from the snow to go to snow...but I love when the weatherman actually misses his prognostics and goes our way. No snow, no rain as he said!!!YEAH!
Saturday, as is mandatory, we had our first trip to the swimming pool. We swam for about 2 hours (I spend most of the time in the jacuzzi...)
Then, we had lunch at in'n'out (love the shakes), and went to the movies to see Pink Panther 2 which is a horrible movie that makes you laugh.
On Sunday, we had a relaxing doing nothing kind of day,you know...eat, relax, eat some more, relax some more, do puzzles,...
visit with some neighbors...
and finished the day going to the St. George Temple to take some pictures. I didn't think it was open, but it was so we went to the visitors center and stayed for a while.
Monday, as soon as posible, went to the swimming pool again for another 2 hours, played tennis for a while, went to the park, had lunch, and drive north.
It doesn't seem to much, but it really takes you out of the routine of everyday nonesense.It was really nice.