Today was Shannia's first grade devotional about pioneers, and for those who check on my Facebook, I've been sewing like a mad woman just for this occasion, but it was worth every second, she looked so modern latter-day pioneer.
She faithfully learned her part, and in front of a crowd, she deliver it confident. I can't believe how much she's grown.
After the devotional, I tried to have a group picture (monumental task, since there were a lot of parents requiring their kid's attention)and finally succeeded, even though I won't say after how many tries...:)
Aren't they the cutest pioneers ever?
Oh she is my favorite! and the cutest pioneer ever!!! Love that Nia!
Carol~ Savannah is on the Lehi Strikers. You can check out the website... I can also give you the name of her coaches. Spring season starts in April I think. Futsal is fun, it's out at the inside court at Thanksgiving Point.
for sure she was the one with the best costume!
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