Let me start by singing a wonderful melody with music and lyrics created by our own Brad Wilson...
"Let me tell you about the perfect summer day....Lake Powell really is my favorite place to play.....We head off from Wahweap to Padre Bay and we ski and board and laze the day away!
Lake Powell were the water's always glass!Lake Powell going fishing for some bass!Lake Powell were the sun will burn your shoulders, but the water is never cold, Lake Powell!" (it has more to it...I just can't remember...)
Well, we started our adventure on Tuesday at 3:50 a.m. Let me rephrase that...the adventure started when we were deciding what to take for the trip, too much...too little...do we really need this...you know what I mean. But finally, on Tuesday we were on our way to the coolest place in Utah State.
The drive was uneventful, with couple pitt stops for food and finally our TOA in Wahweap Marina was 9:30 a.m.
From there we had to meet with grandma Kathy and Megan,and the rest of the band and rent the houseboat, then load, and then be on our way to the camp site by "Cookie Jar"
The house boat that haul all our stuff and people to the camp site.

Cookie Jar in Padre Bay

Once we set up camp...the fun began...water ski, wave runners, bumper tubing, swimming, pinata, fishing...you name it, we did it!
By the way, weather wise we had it all...scorching sun, delicious overcast, a little sand storm, some rain, thunderstorm, and fireworks on the 24th.
Here's a sample of the fun we had...
Michelle on a bumper tub ride with Jordan....

Just for a ride...ignore the hair...please...


Pinata Time!!!

The little ones got into competitions for the "last man standing".

There was some "hoteness" to go around....

Bumper Tubing was a favorite between little ones and big ones alike....

Then some fishing....whith hot dog and marshmallows?

On the way back (because fun has to end sometime) we stopped at Grand Junction and had burgers at Big Al's...I didn't know my hubby owned a restaurant...;)
After that, it was blissful slumber....
We had a blast!
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