Sunday, July 27, 2008

London baby!!!

Our Daddy-O is in England, opening offices, hiring people, looking for houses, churches, and schools, but before he jumped on the airplane to go back to the mainland, he took a tour of the famous Tower of London. I, obviously, was green with envy, but he was nice enough to take some pictures...


Massey Family said...

Awesome pictures, I'm jealous. I wish I could go somewhere fun. I guess I will be happy with the fact that my children are starting school tomorrow!!!! YEAH, Vacation for me!

Lorena said...

supongo que si esta buscando escuelas es por que ya estan decididos a mudarse... :(
nos vemos el sabado a las 7 pm

KATE said...

London Baby!! I have to say I'm not excited to see those pictures because that means you're leaving me!! Sad!!!! *sniff*

Great pictures though!

RobHeidi Family said...

Oh man! That is my idea of a good time for sure! I want to see all that midevil architecture! Very lucky man you got there to see so much of the world!