Thursday, February 26, 2009

New neighbors in Cedar Hills

We all know that during the winter we receive most unwillingly the visit of deers and other creatures into our backyards, but this....

When I saw them from afar I thought they were young deer, but as I came closer...GOATS...big ginormous goats just munching away the golf course grass.
What would be next...?

Patriotic Program

Every year around President's Day, American Heritage puts a production called "The Spirit Of America Speaks", and every year for the last five I've been there cheering for my girls in their parts.
This year Michelle was in the choir, singing patriotic songs and reciting from the Constitution.
Next year will be more exciting, because the 5th graders are the ones who act, and so she will be more involved.
I didn't take many pictures because I was taping her while singing, but just for amusement here are other pictures...
Here's Mr. Cornell, the narrator and a U.S.History aficionado(he has his own life-size replica of a Revolutionary War canon...functional...)

Here are some of the Founding Fathers...

And at the end, as a reminder of the sacrifices of those who had gone before us, Abraham Lincoln gave a speech about stewardship for future generations.
This is our principal Mr. Beckwith...

The last song was an arrangement of The Battle of the Republic that brought me to tears...I'm such a sucker!

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Catching up

I was doing so well with updating the blog, that I was proud of myself...but somehow I got behind and there's a few items that I'm still working on that will be posted soon (I hope) Just stay tunned.